I checked out the project's branch from SVN. I want to manage the project locally with Git, so I'll be committing to the server using git-svn.
The installation caused me some trouble:
- After installing version 1_43 of boost in /usr/local and building boost.regex, libboost_regex was still linked to libicu version 42. I had libicu 44 in both /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib, but libicu 42 stil in /usr/lib. Even when I included -sICU_PATH=/usr/local when building with bjam it was still linked to the older version. I solved it removing libicu 42 from /usr/lib and leaving only version 44, but I'm sure this is not the correct way to solve this problem.
- The revision I checked out (1796) includes new code that implements some SVG features that are still in development. This revision had two bugs, which where solved by Herm (http://trac.mapnik.org/ticket/557), in files include/mapnik/svg/agg_svg_path_renderer.h (declaration of function 'arc_to' had parameter 'rx' twice | the second 'rx' should be 'ry') and agg/include/agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h (function 'abs' should be preceded with 'std::').
- When configuring the build with scons (python scons/scons.py configure) the following problem was solved by removing 'config.py' which (I think) acts as a cache where scons saves the options chosen (i.e. BOOST_LIBS, DEMO) of previous ran configurations:
Note: will build without these OPTIONAL dependencies:
- ociei (Oracle database library | configure with OCCI_LIBS & OCCI_INCLUDES | more info: http://trac.mapnik.org/wiki/OCCI)
- rasterlite
Problem encountered parsing mapnik version, falling back to [0, 8, 0]
- ociei (Oracle database library | configure with OCCI_LIBS & OCCI_INCLUDES | more info: http://trac.mapnik.org/wiki/OCCI)
- rasterlite
Problem encountered parsing mapnik version, falling back to [0, 8, 0]
- Finally, when I finished the installation, importing mapnik2 in python produced the following error, which I solved removing the input file plugins from /usr/local/lib/mapnik2/input [UPDATE: Running the build again installed correctly the input files and python doesn't show errors anymore when importing mapnik2 (it may have something to do with what's referred to here http://trac.mapnik.org/wiki/InstallationTroubleshooting under 'Input/Plugin 'file not found' output')]:
Problem loading plugin library: /usr/local/lib/mapnik2/input/ogr.input (libtool error: file not found)
Problem loading plugin library: /usr/local/lib/mapnik2/input/gdal.input (libtool error: file not found)
Problem loading plugin library: /usr/local/lib/mapnik2/input/gdal.input (libtool error: file not found)